Thursday, November 1, 2012

NAK JUGA !!!! ~ I want it too !!!


Kaifa halukum semua..?!! 
Ke hadapan READERS, 
     Di harapkan post ini menemui kalian dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera hendaknya.. :)

“Kullu ’Am Wa Antum Bikhair”
which means: “Wishing you blessings throughout the year”

haa, ape yg saya NAK JUGA ?!! cuba teka.... *mukabajetorangterujanaktahu*
Sebenarnya nak kongsi ada satu resepi ni. CEKODOK KURMA!!! sedap kan bunyi dia... NYUM3 *sambil kembung2 pipi... hah, mana saya blajar gaya menulis mcm ni pun saya x tahu laa (- -"

OKAY lets start with the ingredients ... 
ALL you need is FLOUR, a little bit of SALT, and of course FRESH DATES with removed seed... ^^, told you, IT'S SIMPLE... 

1st-  Dilute a salt in a cup of water... just to get a bit of salty taste
2nd- Pour the salt water into a bowl with flour in it.. *agak2 laaa, bagi adunan tu x terlalu cair, dan tak terlalu likat. OH, you can add some margarine if you want. BUT only in small portion... 
3rd- Add the DATES that its seed had been removed into the bowl, and ensure that the ingredients are well mixed
4th- When the pan is ready, you can start frying... ^^,

SELAMAT MENCUBA.. !! ~ kalau da buat tu, jgn makan sorg2 ye, bg mak ayah rase skali..kot2 dorg suke, bole buatkan lg... =)
*can be served as breakfast or breaking fast..sahur, or minum petang... huhh

"Jika anda berhasrat untuk berjaya, jangan hanya memandang ke tangga tetapi belajarlah untuk menaiki tangga tersebut."

Sekian sahaja lah dulu.. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

LIFE IS ABOUT..ermmm...

Kiut kan??? 

#LIFE isn't about being THE CUTEST... ^^, #

SO, what's the purpose of our creation?? 
Why does life is full of challenges ???

WHO wanna answer all these?? anyone?? 
NO ?!? O.O?? =.="

Ok, i'll give U not my answer, BUT just OPINION...

Selalu kita dengar bahawa manusia dijadikan di atas muka bumi sebagai khalifah dan sbgi hamba Allah yg taat melaksanakan perintahNya..

*be4 recite any surah in this post.. please Ta'awwuz.*.. =)

(وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ﴿51:56
I have not created the jinn and the men except for this that they should worship Me.

Ikhwan and akhawaat (brothers and sisters) In this world, if we look carefully, we're blessed with so many things that can benefits us... All these pokok kelapa, pisang, fish, chicken, besi, getah, and byk lg yg can be seen in our surrounding..ARE THEY BEING MADE FOR NOTHING??? opkos laa brader, U'll say... '' NOOO!!!!, they're made to assist us surviving in the TEMPORARY WORLD..''.. 


O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.

HAHA,see. I'd told ya... life isn't about being the CUTEST/HANDSOMEST/STRONGEST/RICHEST and whatever worldly achievement .. Life is about being the MOST RIGHTEOUS..are WE???

ALL OF THEM ARE CUTE.. cant help it *sigh*

NEXT, Y our life is full of challenges???


SINCE the 'EXAMINER' of the CHALLENGES WE FACED IN OUR DAILY LIFE is THE ALLAH, semua tindakan kita akan terhakimi seADIL-ADIL nye..or, can I SAY.'SEbersih3.0NYA'?? ihihi.. AND THE 'BEST PLACE' in this context .is THE JANNAH...


Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such [trial] has not yet come to you as came to those who passed on before you? They were touched by poverty and hardship and were shaken until [even their] messenger and those who believed with him said,"When is the help of Allah ?" Unquestionably, the help of Allah is near.

#Setiap apa yg terjadi kepada kita baik perkara itu BURUK mahupun BAIK, (berbelit sudah ayat)..terimalah ia..mungkin adakala ianya sukar diterima..TAPI itu jgak tetap suatu bentuk TARBIAH dari yg MAHA ESA.insyaAllah.. TARBIYAH itu bukan suatu bentuk yg kita boleh rancang...kadang2 Allah dtgkan TARBIYAH itu melalui org yg kita benci...kadang2 drpd perompak pencuri dan mcm2 'pe' lagi laa..
kadang2 TARBIYAH itu datang di saat kitasukar nk menerimanya.kdg2 ia pahit, kdg2 ia manis..

yuk doa moga Allah menetapkan hati2 kita agar tetap dalam landasan keredhaanNya.moga hati ini tidak buta dgn DUNIA, agar mudah menerima HIDAYAH darinya..

Wahai Tuhan yang membalik-balikkan hati, tetapkanlah hatiku ke atas agama-Mu serta dalam mentaati-Mu.”


P/S : kalau ada yg x kena..tegurlah. TQ!!..

Friday, November 11, 2011



Sy ingin brkongsi tentang analogi sekeping hati yg sgt bernilai pd setiap individu ..
Hati ini ibarat sebuah kota..

"Sesungguhnya di dalam jasad manusia ada segumpal daging yang apabila dia baik maka akan baiklah seluruh jasad, dan apabila dia buruk maka akan buruklah seluruh jasad. Itulah hati.”

[ dHR. Bukharian Muslim]

Hati ini sy ibaratkan sebuah kota yang dibenteng dengan rapi.
Di sepanjang benteng tersebut terdapatnya beberapa pintu yg dikawal oleh pnjaga hati ..
Penjaga ini saya maksudkan IMAN..yg mna IMAN ini akan mengawal KOTA hati dan penduduk di dalamnya iaitu AKAL drpd ancaman musuh luar iaitu SYAITAN dan bala tenteranya NAFSU…

Syaitan dan sekutunya akan sentiasa mencuba untuk mencerobohi KOTA HATI ini seterusnya mrosakkan  penduduk kota iaitu AKAL… sekirnya ini berlaku, maka seseorg itu akan berkelakuan buruk, kerana AKALnya telah diserang…

Caranya simple sahaja…Syaitan/nafsu akan membuat kepulan2 asap drpd luar(hasil drpd dosa yg dilkukan) shingga asap tebal mnyelubungi seluruh kota..akibatnya, pengawal hati tdak dpt mlihat kedatangan musuh, seterusnya tidak dpt mnjaga penduduk kota..namun, kota hati ini akan tetap diterangi cahaya seandainya ZIKIR dan AMAL SOLEH sentiasa dijadikan amalan… Dalam pertempuaran antara IMAN dan NAFSU ini, ada kala IMAN akan menang juga sebaliknya..

 "Carilah hatimu sewaktu membaca al-Quran. Jika tidak kau temui, carilah hatimu ketika mengerjakan solat. Jika tidak ditemui, carilah hatimu ketika duduk bertafakur mengingati mati. Jika kau tidak temui juga, berdoalah kepada Allah, pinta hati yang baru."


‘’Setelah selesai peperangan Badar dengan kemenangan dipihak Islam, maka berjalanlah Rasulullah SAW dengan sahabat menuju ke perkampungan mereka. Dalam perjalanan itulah terjadi dialog antara baginda Rasul dan para sahabatnya. Kita baru balik dari satu medan peperangan yang kecil menuju ke satu peperangan yang maha besar, kata Rasulullah. Maka keherananlah para sahabat lantas mereka bertanya, Peperangan apa ya Rasulullah? Jawab baginda Mujahadatunnafsi (melawan hawa nafsu)- Riwayat Baihaqi’’

Nabi s.a.w. mengajar kita agar menjauhi daripada: mendengar perkara-perkara yang dibenci oleh Allah, melihat perkara-perkara yang dibenci Allah, bercakap perkara-perkara yang dibenci Allah dan apa sahaja yang menjurus kepada maksiat.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cinta Muka Kotak..

Today I just want to share about this cute little box... I found him/her couple of days ago.. The thing is called DANBO..not DUMBo..=="

I'd read somewhere that this box is originated from a character of an anime in japan.. The interesting part of it that I like the most is its expression.. haha... All of it are  just the same..heartless huh?? COOL!!!

Lets take a look of this box pics....

DANBO is tired after jogging
found some'one' that can be his frenz.. ''HELLO, Mr..!!''
but no answer from MR leaf.. :(
He just wanna say that he got the HEART and FEELING too..
he need somebody...
Can U be my fren MR kitty???
CAT: '' I want fish!! ''
U look lonely among these PURPLE!! come!! be my fren WHITE!!

Hey Bubbles..dont run away!!! Is it too bad for U guys to be  my fren???
If only I've legs..for sure I'll be running away from this awkward box!! , said the snail
Urgh!! Just wanna get myself killed!!! NOBODY cares bout me..
Or should I let myself kidnapped by MR turtle?? naa.. he's too slow
I might be dying of boredom...
How to get this white buddy moves?? Should I insert a coin?? 
Where's ur mom kiddy ??? WHAT....ME??!! =="
NOW tell me..If I'm your mommy, who's ur daddy?? 
is our home up there?? U sure??

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Genes for muslims

1st of all, mgkn ade yg bertanya, apahal la pelik bebeno tjok ni... HEHE, saje je nk share my point of view in life..Gene tu korang tau dak pekebende nye tuh?? Mungkin ade yg belum pernah dgr ape tu Gene, tp sbb sy nk citer pasal 'muslim gene' ni, korg bole laa tye En. GOOGLE atau YAHOO 4 more info about gene in the scientific reviews...

Berbeza dgn gene yg diperkenalkan oleh saintis barat, MUSLIM GENE (MG) ni byk berkaitan dgn sesuatu yg spiritual..haha, dah mcm BOMOH pon ade....In general, sy kata, MG jga seperti gene yg pernah kita pelajari, mempunyai allele yg DOMINANT dan RECESSIVE.. Huh, Curious?? (ceh, bjet mcm reader nk tertarik sgt..) ahaha...x kesahlaa...pagi2 camni terase nk menaip plak..Plus, MG ni walaupon dia ade DOMINANT ngan RECESSIVE allele, tp the DOMINANT isnt always be DOMINANT , so does the recessive.. PELIK?! haha...

Ok, back to the topic, we all know that human have our own habits, way of thinking, principle, and these all can be potrayed in our actions (whether obvious atau x obvious )..and2, sume ni adalah sesuatu yg sy rujuk sebagai MG Phenotype...Ana ni ( ceh, tetibe bajet baik nk gune ANA, ANTI ANTUMA ANTUM....haha, gurau2 jea)  x laa tau sgt pasal ilmu ad-din, tp insyaAllah kita sama2 tambahkannya dr masa ke masa... Ada satu hadith:
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang maksudnya:”Ketahuilah bahawa dalam jasad manusia ada seketul daging (segumpal darah), jika baik maka baiklah seluruh anggota dan jika rosak maka rosaklah seluruh anggota, itulah hati.”
Saya bg satu contoh, seorg hamba Allah ni diberikan nikmat yg sgt byk .. Duit berguni-guni, kereta besar, badan sihat, otak kelas pertama….huh, mcm2 lg.. Di sini hati dia ada beberapa ‘allele’ yg berhubung dgn MUSLIM GENES…(sebb dia seorg muslim, maka dia pyai ‘keupayaan’ utk expresskan that MG kalau kene caranya ) … Allele yg sy maksudkan di sini adalah ‘allele nafsu’, ‘akal’, dan ‘iman’.

Ha, yg menentukan allele mne yg akan jd DOMINANT bergantung pd tahap nafsu, iman, dan akal dia ketika itu…Sekiranya IMAN dia paling tinggi berbanding  tahap nafsu dan akal dia, maka dia akan bersyukur terhadap semua nikmat Allah tersebut dan menginfakkannya ke jalan yg diredhaiNya.

Seandainya tahap nafsu adalah yg paling tggi, maka phm2laa sndiri..hehe

Jd, bolehlaa dikatakan dlm setiap perbuatan kita ni jgk terdapat ‘genotype’ ngan ‘phenotype’.. Dlm bercakap, bergaul, berjual beli, belajar…semua aktiviti kita ni, kita pyai pilihan samaada mahu menjadikan IMAN atau NAFSU sebagai the DOMINANT allele. PHENOTYPE nye nnti akan kelihatan pd akhlak kita…dlm kes hamba Allah td, bersyukur tuu antara ‘phenotype’ yg diexpressed melalui allele IMAN…hehe, pening plak aih….

Sy sndiri akui, dlm perbuatan shari-harian, byk yg sy 'dominant'kan allele nafsu..bila bercakap, asyik nk merapu jea, bila marah lgsg x sabar, bile melantak...haha x yah citelaaa..!!! Jd, di bulan Ramadhan yg berbaki bbrape hri jea lg, insyaAllah kita sama2 perbaiki diri...


Saturday, June 25, 2011

Suddenly I felt 'MISSING' ??



Yesterday (friday), I suddenly feel 'missing' (bkn RINDU tp mcm LOST.....)
But, the problem was  I don't know why it happened.. It started when I just arrived home from my CFS IIUM..I feel soooooo LOST, just like a living corpse.. nothing inside me!!! whoa..!! TERRIFYING huh??
Then I just keep telling myseft..'Ahh, it's nothing lah...biasalah tuu, perasaan..IKUTKAN RASA BINASA..' (lbih krg camnilah dialognye)
I felt that weird 'feeling' while I was lying on the couch ..intent to sleep.. BUT, the 'feeling' kept haunting me till I couldn't get my eyes closed..Erm, ape lagi..terus kucapai laptop yg ada dpn mata dan on9....Isy3


Then today (saturday ) , I had to go to school , driving a car...It's all fated that I'd involved in a car crash..Alhamdulillah nothing was serious..even though I didn't injured physically, but my inner-seft was quite 'KILLED' (ceh ayat gila melampau) ...yelah..dahlaaa smlm rase LOST, pastu terlibat kemalangan...aduh..myusahkan abah mak jea... wuuu

I kept on living...driving the car I entered the house, I suddenly feel that I missed and really2 need HIM...(mankind...da jd mcm2 bru nk igt Allah ..Astaghfirullah)

BUT, READERS...I think that's the answer...I was given a sad/sorrow/lost/whatever feeling because HE want me to remember HIM and get myself close to HIM..Wallahu'alam...
TAPI..bknlah bermakna kalau kita x rasa mcm tuu...means kita x perlu dkt padaNya..



My 1st Month in the IPT..

Bismillah... (In the name of Allah)

'' BEKUNYA air mata kerana KERASNYA hati, KERASNYA hati kerana PANJANGNYA angan2, PANJANGNYA angan2 kerana CINTAKAN DUNIA.... CINTAKAN dunia kerana LEMAHNYA IMAN.. "

Okey, it'd been almost a month I lived in the IPTA.. ( tolak balik umah tiap2 mggu mgkin bru stgh bln laa kot ) hehhe..
Just want to share a bit about my experience... I am one of the student who take the medical foundation..ALHAMDULILLAH, plus, getting the chance to study in the IIUM is such a blessing I think because I got the good, friendly and kind roommate....( xlah NERD sgt ) haha

1- I used to be in an all-boys school, to be in the campus with the MUSLIMAT surely be a new thing for me..( ceh, ayat mcm tinggal kat hutan je sblm ni ) ...I mean, to have a different gender classmate is kind a weird at first since before this, kalau saya nk terpekik terlolong pon x siapa kesah.... 
In my group, there's a girl..from BINTULU, I can't deny that I was few times distracted by her..BUT its not her's mine.. (kalau dah mata tuu...galak jea nk melilau.. ish3)

Pandangan mata - selalu menipu
Pandangan akal - selalu tersalah
Pandangan nafsu - selalu melulu
Pandangan hati itu yg hakiki (klau hati itu bersih)

2- The 1st day I entered the class, the lecturer had chose me to be the CLASS REP..WEWIITTTT!!!! bapak laa 

Then, I just accept it....I thought that I'll be the CLASS REP for the other class also...BUT the truth is that, U can have another class rep for the other class.. =.= (awatlaa aq asyik pikir yg U tu mcm sekolah ?! igt CLASS REP tuu mcm MONITOR..adoi) Then, the Bio lecture began... fuh, agak laju lah dia ajar...da laa minda bru nk warm up..huhu, nk buat mcm mne, IPT x sama mcm sekolah dik oii....

mmg x smpt laa nk lelap kalau lecturer aja laju..

3- Last but not least, in the IPT I also learnt to use ATM machine which I never use before.. Adelaa satu hari tuu,...igt nk check baki duit jea..last2 kluar duit seratus..adoi...ade arahan pon still x reti ke?! apelah aq ni... I also learnt to appreciate money because in there.. lots of things U'll have to spent on..books, food and drinks..fees..and mcm2 lg... mcm air wooo duit jalan..