Thursday, November 1, 2012

NAK JUGA !!!! ~ I want it too !!!


Kaifa halukum semua..?!! 
Ke hadapan READERS, 
     Di harapkan post ini menemui kalian dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera hendaknya.. :)

“Kullu ’Am Wa Antum Bikhair”
which means: “Wishing you blessings throughout the year”

haa, ape yg saya NAK JUGA ?!! cuba teka.... *mukabajetorangterujanaktahu*
Sebenarnya nak kongsi ada satu resepi ni. CEKODOK KURMA!!! sedap kan bunyi dia... NYUM3 *sambil kembung2 pipi... hah, mana saya blajar gaya menulis mcm ni pun saya x tahu laa (- -"

OKAY lets start with the ingredients ... 
ALL you need is FLOUR, a little bit of SALT, and of course FRESH DATES with removed seed... ^^, told you, IT'S SIMPLE... 

1st-  Dilute a salt in a cup of water... just to get a bit of salty taste
2nd- Pour the salt water into a bowl with flour in it.. *agak2 laaa, bagi adunan tu x terlalu cair, dan tak terlalu likat. OH, you can add some margarine if you want. BUT only in small portion... 
3rd- Add the DATES that its seed had been removed into the bowl, and ensure that the ingredients are well mixed
4th- When the pan is ready, you can start frying... ^^,

SELAMAT MENCUBA.. !! ~ kalau da buat tu, jgn makan sorg2 ye, bg mak ayah rase skali..kot2 dorg suke, bole buatkan lg... =)
*can be served as breakfast or breaking fast..sahur, or minum petang... huhh

"Jika anda berhasrat untuk berjaya, jangan hanya memandang ke tangga tetapi belajarlah untuk menaiki tangga tersebut."

Sekian sahaja lah dulu..