Thursday, November 1, 2012

NAK JUGA !!!! ~ I want it too !!!


Kaifa halukum semua..?!! 
Ke hadapan READERS, 
     Di harapkan post ini menemui kalian dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera hendaknya.. :)

“Kullu ’Am Wa Antum Bikhair”
which means: “Wishing you blessings throughout the year”

haa, ape yg saya NAK JUGA ?!! cuba teka.... *mukabajetorangterujanaktahu*
Sebenarnya nak kongsi ada satu resepi ni. CEKODOK KURMA!!! sedap kan bunyi dia... NYUM3 *sambil kembung2 pipi... hah, mana saya blajar gaya menulis mcm ni pun saya x tahu laa (- -"

OKAY lets start with the ingredients ... 
ALL you need is FLOUR, a little bit of SALT, and of course FRESH DATES with removed seed... ^^, told you, IT'S SIMPLE... 

1st-  Dilute a salt in a cup of water... just to get a bit of salty taste
2nd- Pour the salt water into a bowl with flour in it.. *agak2 laaa, bagi adunan tu x terlalu cair, dan tak terlalu likat. OH, you can add some margarine if you want. BUT only in small portion... 
3rd- Add the DATES that its seed had been removed into the bowl, and ensure that the ingredients are well mixed
4th- When the pan is ready, you can start frying... ^^,

SELAMAT MENCUBA.. !! ~ kalau da buat tu, jgn makan sorg2 ye, bg mak ayah rase skali..kot2 dorg suke, bole buatkan lg... =)
*can be served as breakfast or breaking fast..sahur, or minum petang... huhh

"Jika anda berhasrat untuk berjaya, jangan hanya memandang ke tangga tetapi belajarlah untuk menaiki tangga tersebut."

Sekian sahaja lah dulu.. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

LIFE IS ABOUT..ermmm...

Kiut kan??? 

#LIFE isn't about being THE CUTEST... ^^, #

SO, what's the purpose of our creation?? 
Why does life is full of challenges ???

WHO wanna answer all these?? anyone?? 
NO ?!? O.O?? =.="

Ok, i'll give U not my answer, BUT just OPINION...

Selalu kita dengar bahawa manusia dijadikan di atas muka bumi sebagai khalifah dan sbgi hamba Allah yg taat melaksanakan perintahNya..

*be4 recite any surah in this post.. please Ta'awwuz.*.. =)

(وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ﴿51:56
I have not created the jinn and the men except for this that they should worship Me.

Ikhwan and akhawaat (brothers and sisters) In this world, if we look carefully, we're blessed with so many things that can benefits us... All these pokok kelapa, pisang, fish, chicken, besi, getah, and byk lg yg can be seen in our surrounding..ARE THEY BEING MADE FOR NOTHING??? opkos laa brader, U'll say... '' NOOO!!!!, they're made to assist us surviving in the TEMPORARY WORLD..''.. 


O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.

HAHA,see. I'd told ya... life isn't about being the CUTEST/HANDSOMEST/STRONGEST/RICHEST and whatever worldly achievement .. Life is about being the MOST RIGHTEOUS..are WE???

ALL OF THEM ARE CUTE.. cant help it *sigh*

NEXT, Y our life is full of challenges???


SINCE the 'EXAMINER' of the CHALLENGES WE FACED IN OUR DAILY LIFE is THE ALLAH, semua tindakan kita akan terhakimi seADIL-ADIL nye..or, can I SAY.'SEbersih3.0NYA'?? ihihi.. AND THE 'BEST PLACE' in this context .is THE JANNAH...


Or do you think that you will enter Paradise while such [trial] has not yet come to you as came to those who passed on before you? They were touched by poverty and hardship and were shaken until [even their] messenger and those who believed with him said,"When is the help of Allah ?" Unquestionably, the help of Allah is near.

#Setiap apa yg terjadi kepada kita baik perkara itu BURUK mahupun BAIK, (berbelit sudah ayat)..terimalah ia..mungkin adakala ianya sukar diterima..TAPI itu jgak tetap suatu bentuk TARBIAH dari yg MAHA ESA.insyaAllah.. TARBIYAH itu bukan suatu bentuk yg kita boleh rancang...kadang2 Allah dtgkan TARBIYAH itu melalui org yg kita benci...kadang2 drpd perompak pencuri dan mcm2 'pe' lagi laa..
kadang2 TARBIYAH itu datang di saat kitasukar nk menerimanya.kdg2 ia pahit, kdg2 ia manis..

yuk doa moga Allah menetapkan hati2 kita agar tetap dalam landasan keredhaanNya.moga hati ini tidak buta dgn DUNIA, agar mudah menerima HIDAYAH darinya..

Wahai Tuhan yang membalik-balikkan hati, tetapkanlah hatiku ke atas agama-Mu serta dalam mentaati-Mu.”


P/S : kalau ada yg x kena..tegurlah. TQ!!..